
Trademark Applications at Clear and Predictable Rates

Up to three classes – excludes filing fees*

10% off attorney fees for 2 applications for a word or name & logo**

  • 20-minute initial call to discuss what the trademark is, what you will sell under your trademark, and what your immediate plans are for the mark and your business.
  • USPTO Registrability Search. This is a search that looks for and evaluates registered trademarks that precede yours at the USPTO. State registrations, worldwide registrations, or in-depth searches for common law uses are not included.
  • 50-minute strategy call to discuss the outcome of the search, your trademark questions, process, evidentiary requirements, timeline, and to collect the information I need to complete your application.
  • Filing of your trademark (by me, not a staff member, paralegal or a third party) and representation as your counsel of record at the USPTO.
  • Responses to minor Office Actions ***
  • Monitoring of the trademark process and clearly communicated status updates, ensuring you understand what is happening with your trademark.
  • If registered, report of the registration and electronic copy of the registration certificate with guidance on the use of the mark thereafter.
  • If it is not registered, I’ll explain why and what your next steps might be.
  • Filing of a Statement of Use following a Notice of Allowance, if applicable.
  • 20-minute initial call to discuss your trademark, what you will sell under your trademark, and what your immediate plans are for the mark.
  • USPTO Registrability Search. This is a search that looks for and evaluates pre-existing trademarks that may precede yours at the USPTO. This registrability and risk search includes the USPTO database, state trademark and trade name registrations; WIPO search; domains searches and common law uses. Printed report of the results is provided.
  • 50-minute strategy call to discuss the outcome of the search, your trademark questions, process, evidentiary requirements, timeline, and to collect the information I need to complete your application
  • Filing of your trademark (by me, not a staff member, paralegal or a third party) and representation as your counsel of record.
  • Responses to minor Office Actions***
  • Monitoring of the trademark process and clearly communicated status updates, ensuring you understand what is happening with your trademark
  • If registered, report of the registration and electronic copy of the registration certificate with guidance on the use of the mark thereafter
  • Filing of a Statement of Use following a Notice of Allowance, if applicable
  • Up to five filings for extensions of time

* Filing fees at the USPTO are generally charged per class: application fees are $350 per class of goods for most applications. If you are filing on an intent-to-use basis, you will have to pay an additional $150 when filing your Statement of Use. USPTO fees change regularly. See the most recent fees for applications and other filings.

** Names, logos, and slogans are registered separately, unless the name or slogan is incorporated into the logo.

*** Minor Office Actions are provisional refusals that require only minor amendments and do not require drafting legal arguments. Substantive responses to office actions are provided at an hourly rate.